Are you interested in participating in the PARTNER study? Then please feel free to contact us - depending on your location!
Munich study site
University Hospital of Munich (LMU), Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine
Contact person: Annette Härdtlein
Nußbaumstraße 5
80336 München
+49 (0)89 4400 54976
+49 (0)89 4400 53520
80336 München
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Witten study site
Universität Witten/Herdecke, Faculty of Health (Department of Human Medicine)
Contact person: Sophie Peter
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58448 Witten
+49 (0)2302 / 926-735
+49 (0)2302 / 926-745
58448 Witten
Bielefeld study site
Bielefeld University, Faculty of Medicine OWL, WG 5 General and Family Medicine
Contact person: Kerstin Bernartz