Cooperation between general practitioners and pharmacies to improve medication safety in patients with polypharmacy
What is the PARTNER study about?
More and more elderly patients are taking five or more medicines and are thus affected by polpharmacy. Polypharmacy is often necessary, but can be associated with risks. For example, the risk of adverse drug reactions (e.g. increased tendency to fall) increases with the number of drugs taken, as does the risk of drug-related hospital admissions, which can have a lasting impact on the quality of life of those affected. However, studies show that many of these adverse events are preventable. Essential information is summarised in the short video below.
What is the aim of the PARTNER study?
This is where the PARTNER research project comes in: Together with GPs and pharmacists, an intervention for closer cooperation between the two professional groups is to be tested. The interprofessional approach aims to combine the different priorities and expertise inherent in the professions: In GP care, the focus is primarily on the effective treatment of occurring complaints, while pharmacists are primarily concerned with the safety of drug therapy. If patients are to benefit, it is crucial that GPs and pharmacists coordinate closely. The PARTNER study provides tools for this.

Where and how is the PARTNER study being conducted?
The research project is funded by public money from the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) independently of industry and is being carried out at three locations: University Hospital of Munich (LMU) (project management; Prof. Tobias Dreischulte), Bielefeld University (Prof. Christiane Muth) and Witten/Herdecke University (Prof. Achim Mortsiefer).
Be part of it!
Interested GPs are being sought for the PARTNER project who, in 2023, will test a cooperation with a pharmacy in their vicinity based on the example of about eight patients and will receive an expense allowance of 120 to 180 € per patient. Do you perhaps have a pharmacist in your area with whom you could imagine participating in the project? The project teams are looking forward to working with you and will be happy to provide you with more information!
Where can I get more information?
You can get more detailed information about the study by clicking on the "Study participation" button at the top of this webpage. Of course, you can also contact the study teams directly. You will find the contact details of the contact person at the respective location under the menu item "Contact".